Amazing Amazing! (Not original, but it's late and I'm sleepy)
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
H20 vs JWD
by Amazing inh20 was a smashing success for a long time, even with many moderators.
the board rules were basically good common sense, and expressed some issues as to matters of law, such as not violating copyright, etc.
i don't understand why h20 went down the tank.
How Good and Pleasant It Is . . .
by comforter into see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
Big Tex
Well I think I'll stick my big nose in this little discussion. I'm a southern boy and if it means anything, my step-mother is black. However, I've got some friends in England, and when I was still going to meetings, we took them to our meeting. The woman was delighted about everything Texas (she adored the show "Dallas") and in particular the ethnic diversity in our congregation. She very brightly, and in nice loud voice, said, "My you do have an awful lot of coloreds here." After I scraped my jaw off the floor, I quickly pointed out that in this country, particularly in the southern US, one does not refer to people of color as "Coloreds". Jess was a bit embarrassed, but she told me that in the UK, it is offensive to refer to those with darker skin as "blacks". She said the preferred term is "coloured". Now, I don't know how accurate this is or not, but perhaps Comforter was making the same mistake my friend Jess made.
We've got many members here from the Mother Country, is this true? Enquiring minds want to know . . .
A question
by sundialer inis it possible to love and be in love with two people at the same time?
Big Tex
"Are you going to stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love?" -- Glenn Frey -
Is This a SCAM????????????
by waiting ini received this in email this morning from my daughter, who is married to an attorney.
this thing is for real.
> > aol .
Big Tex
by Quincy into all...we have come to the decision to keep the baby...thank you all for all of your imput and support and help with my situation...i will keep you posted with the due date, and anything else that comes along....q
Big Tex
Congrats Quincy! You will never regret the decision. And you know what is really special? The first time your child comes up to you and gives you a hug, or crawls up on your lap, "just 'cuz". That's cool.
How Many Here Have Been Shunned?
by Reborn2002 inas most of you already know, the jehovah's witnesses are covering an article in their august kingdom ministry to be discussed the weeks of 8/19 and 8/26 which details how they are to shun and avoid those who are no longer members of their organization, even immediate family members.. .
undoubtedly this article has been written to reinforce to the rank&file jehovah's witnesses the shunning policy, so as to tighten the ranks and prevent members from having the opportunity to learn the abundant contradictions and hypocrisies found within watchtower doctrine and practice from any who may have left.. this policy also serves to divide families and attempt to shame or abuse those whom have chosen to no longer be jehovah's witnesses, for whatever reason.. that much is obvious.
in recent days this topic has been discussed in detail in various threads.
Big Tex
OH! OH! OH-OH!! Mr. Kotter!!!
I have. I am still.
My Disfellowshipping
by silentlambs inmy disfellowshipping
as with anyone associated with jehovahs witnesses the worst possible news anyone can have is being df.
it means a loss of everyone and everything you have known all your life.
Big Tex
You've got big brass ones, Bill.
What you've done means a great deal to a great many people. Thanks.
best one liners
by comforter inwho you believe do the best one liners in movies?
comforter feel bruce willis and arnold scharznegger are best.
bruce specially give good one liners before he blow someobody away.
Big Tex
"Elmo knows all there is to know about the crying game."
The Pedophile Paradise
by Amazing inthe pedophile problem among the jws is very significant.
over a year ago i made some extrapolations from a poll on jwd that conservatively suggested about 5,300 jw molesters in the usa, or about (1) jw pedophile for every (2) jw congregations in the united states.
given that pedophiles molest many victims, at least 70 or more in their criminal careers by conservative estimates, this can add up to a lot of victims --- not all are necessarily jw victims --- but still the collective crimes of jw pedophiles would average over 370,000 victims.. since that time that over 5,000 victims have come forward to email, phone, and write letters to silentlambs --- as stated last night on connie chung/cnn.
Big Tex
Which is worse, the fool? Or the fool who argues with him?
Keep following our stupid rules - God requires it
by dmouse inoctober 1st 2002 watchtower.
page 16 para 20. strong faith, in turn, fortifies us to obey jehovah, even when his requirements seem to go contrary to human reasoning.. .
para 22how important, therefore, that we have an obedient attitude toward that 'slave'!.
Big Tex
"That night the Christians hurried Paul and Silas to Beroea, and, as usual, they went to the synagogue to preach. But the people of Beroea were more open minded than those in Thessalonica, and gladly listended to the message. They searched the Scriptures day by day to check up on Paul and Silas' statements to see if they were really so."-Acts 17:10,11
Time was when questioning, even an Apostle, was considered a good thing.